Tuesday, August 13, 2013

To the people that got me through highschool.

I leave in three days, and in three days I have to say goodbye to the most amazing friends a girl could ask for. This is a lot harder than I thought. But before I officially move in, I want to dedicate this blog post to my amazing friends.

Ladies first:

Erika (better known for mommy): You are such a mom. That is your calling in life. You have truly been one of the biggest blessings in my life. You are one of the wisest people I know, and your heart for God is so contagious. I love the memories we have made together and the talks we have shared and just how I can be my complete self around you. I love you so much. Good luck at Sterling.

Lauren: You + me = hilarious.  I will never forget the night that we got lost at sea, better known as the neighborhood behind the church parking lot, you saved me right then and there. I love your passion about America and how gassy you are. I love the conversations we have, and I even like watching Baby Mamma with you. Your crazy personality makes me even crazier. I love you so much. Good luck at MCC

Maddie Scheer: You are hands down one of the sweetest people I know. You have such a pure and innocent heart; I love that about you. I love that you love oldies music, that you basically are a vegetarian, and that you are so devoted to loving God. I love how you laugh stuff off and I really love your bed. I love that we have memories that go all the way back to the 8th grade, and I love that we both decided to do this whole Christian thing more seriously together. I love you so much. Good luck at KU

Amy Sheehan: When we get together, I seem to lose myself. I do the weirdest things when I'm with you. I will never forget the time when we were in Ulta and we just started dancing and singing because we knew a certain throwback song. You have such a tender heart and a cute puppy. You are definitely crazy, but I love that about you. I love you so much. Good luck at K-State

Maddie Howe: The thing I love the most about you, is that you laugh so hard you cry. I think it's precious. I love how crazy you can get and then how you can be such a good listener. I love how your mom cooks us pork tacos, your white girl dance moves, how we know to stay away from you when you're tired, and I love just the person you are. I love you so much. Good luck at Fort Hays

Now the boys....

Austin: Where do I begin with you? Thank you for being a patient, kind, loving, and encouraging boyfriend. You are quite the man. I can't wait to see what your future holds. I bet all of us can agree that you are one of the best listeners, ever. You are also very wise. I know your quiet at first, but once you open up, you truly are a blessing to be around. I like you a lot! Good luck at WSU

Cooper: You have no filter and I honestly I think you're hilarious. Your jokes are unpredictable.  But what I love most about you, is that you have a tender heart. You love the Lord a lot and one of the coolest things I saw you do was take Kaylor to church. Thank you for always being you.... and either frustrating everyone or making people laugh. I love you so much. Good luck at Nebraska.

Collin: You are one of the kindest guys I've ever met. First of all, thank you for lake trips! Some of my favorite memories are at that lake. Thank you for always opening your house to us and always making people feel good about themselves. I can't wait to come to your church and hear you preach. It will be wonderful. I will always remember singing Kelly Clarkson in your truck and all the fun double dates we went on! I love you so much. Good luck at MCC!

Matt Mar: You are freaking crazy. You are so unique. I love all the memories we have gotten to share throughout high school. Whether that was going to the mall... and basically that's it. Just kidding! But you really do have a shopping addiction. I wish you the best of luck next year. Thank you for being the third amigo. You are such a lovable, funny, kind person. I love you so much. Good luck at Butler.

Matt Kranick: You are just something else. You are smart, funny in your own way, and so much more. I am so glad that we got to be in the same small group these past four years. You are truly wise. I love how you can lose a tooth while tubbing and just laugh it off and tell everyone a smart conclusion as to why your mouth isn't hurting. You are truly something else. I love you so much. Good luck at MCC!

Joe: This really isn't a goodbye, because we are about to be next door neighbors in three days. Hopefully, we don't get sick of each other! I think you are an awesome guy! I hope that we can fight for Christ next year, even though at times it will be hard! You  have such a loving and warm heart. I will never forget the love you had for the homeless and how you took a stand for them. I love you so much. See ya at Emporia!

You guys have truly been one of the biggest blessing in my life. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for all of you! Keep loving God and loving the people around you. This is not a goodbye, but a see you later.

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