Sunday, August 25, 2013

1st week in college..

My first week of college was jammed packed of activities, job hunting, homework, and trying to squeeze in sleep in the midst of all of that.  So the week started on Monday, and I won a $100 dollars in a drawing! There was an activities fair outside of the cafeteria where you could just see what was around Emporia and you got a lot of free items, and one of the booths was a bank and they had bucket where you put your name and number and if you won, you got a $100.... and I won!! Also, on Monday I experienced my first college classes & they reminded me of high school. I like all of my professors and on the first day I had no homework. Then came Tuesday.. on Tuesday, Emporia  had a job fair where students could roam around to different tables and fill out applications and get an opportunity to get a job (which I needed so badly). After filling out countless job applications I turned one in and the manager gave me an interview later that day! So Tuesday, I got an on campus job working in a coffee shop. God is soooo good! Also on Tuesday, I started the rushing process. I got talked into going Greek by my mom's best friend Melinda, so I thought I would give it a shot and went to the orientation. I ended up liking the first day a lot. Wednesday rolled around and I got a couple of interviews at Family Video, a Gymnastics place called Sunflower Gymnastics, and a couple of other places. Also, it was the second day of rush so we went to different rooms and they told us, the rushers, their values, what they do for fun, and the their philanthropy. I ended that night waiting in an hour long line with fellow floor mates to get a free snow cone (so worth it). Then there was Thursday where I found out that I still owed $855.50 towards tuition, thank goodness I had an emergency fund with some money it so I can pay the school. I freaked out a little bit, but then I took a breath and realized that God provided me a job that week and that everything would fall into place and to just keep trusting Him. Thursday was also tour the sorority houses and just see what I would be living in my sophomore year, all of the houses were beautiful but two stuck out to me, Sigma Sigma Sigma and Chi Omega; so I voted them my top two. Friday came along and it took everything out of me just to get out of bed and go to my classes because of how worn out I was. I went to my classes and got some homework (which I still need to do) and then got ready for another rushing event. Friday they talked to us about the financial part of joining a sorority and then we went to our top two houses and played games and just got to know the girls. I was still torn between Sigma Sigma Sigma and Chi Omega. So I slept on it. Finally, it was Saturday, pref and bid day. I went to my top two houses and had tea and treats and just saw some of the traditions they had, I was hoping I would like one or the other better...but I didn't. After contemplating which sorority house to make my number one pick I chose Chi Omega and after locking in my bid I waited 6 long hours to see if they chose me too.... and they did! I am now a baby hootie! I spent the rest of the night at Chi Omega house, which is now my house too and got to know the girls. I was quite overwhelmed though, and I'm still not sure if this my kinda of a thing... so i'm going to give it time. I wish I could say I was in love with it right now, but I'm I'm just going to wait it out and see if this is really where I need to be right now. After staying up late with some floor buddies I finally went to sleep and then slept in till about noon today. I am so tired from this crazy and exciting first week of college. I'm definitely homesick today, which is weird, and am missing old friends and family.. but I'm hopefully going home this Labor Day weekend. Well I hope you liked my first really, really long blog post! Now I need to get some homework done and go get my laundry!
                                          Love, Reggs!

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