Tuesday, November 19, 2013

never been so excited for a break.

By the end of this semester, I will have written eleven papers all-in-all. ELEVEN PAPERS. The semester ends December 14th! I think I will only have two finals and I will make a final portfolio in my Composition class, so I got really lucky in that area. I really am just going to need the extra push, I can feel the laziness taking over my body. Any who, I AM SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS BREAK.

On November 26th I get to go home for about a week, and then 2 weeks later, I get to go home for over a month.

Literally five weeks off... five weeks of freedom and being home with my family & friends.

I really do miss all my friends. I cannot wait to hear about all of their first semesters of college. All the trials they've faced and all the fun they've had, JUST EVERYTHING.

I can't wait to snuggle up on the couch and watch The Grinch and drink Starbucks Coffee and wear fuzzy socks and a huge sweater. Doesn't that sound amazing?

But in reality, I might have to get a job over the break so that I have that extra money for paying my sorority and any other emergencies that come up. Getting old sucks... just kidding, but it does come with a down side. I also need to buy a new car in the future because I don't know how much longer The Twinkie, aka my mini van, will last me. That baby has like over 236,000 miles on it. Also, I have set a goal to save up for a really nice camera and get really good at photography. One of my favorite classes in high school was photojournalism and I wish I would've taken more classes like that. But that's okay, I still have the rest of my life.

This week's plans:
Tonight, I have a new member meeting and a formal dinner to attend with Chi-O
Tomorrow- school, work, and I am seeing a play and then writing a three page paper over it.
Thursday- school, work, and I swear I have something to do.. I just cannot remember
Friday- school, work, and then maybe decorating the Chi O house and then Austin might come up.
Saturday- Austin is definitely coming up and then we have a formal dance to go to! So I am going to do some people's hair and then get all dolled up myself.
Sunday- chillax day with Austin.

Then...It's Monday again!

What I have learned this week about myself:
I am capable of doing peoples hair & they actually like it! YAY!

Basically, I cannot wait for this semester to end and be home for a while!

Love, Reggs.

1 comment:

  1. Regan I love reading your blog!! You are soo cute :) I can't wait for break either. LETS HANGOUT OK?! Love you.
